Harper Lee’s Go Set A Watchman: A Fancasting For A TV Series

“Every man’s island, Jean Louise, every man’s watchman, is his conscience.”

Uncle Jack To Scout

Maycomb County, Alabama. Twenty-six-year-old Jean Louise Finch (Emma Stone) returns home from New York City to visit her old and ageing father Atticus (Bill Murray). Set amidst the themes of civil rights tensions and political upheaval that were changing the South, Scout’s homecoming turns sour when she learns of hair-raising truths about her own flesh and blood, her own family as well as the town and those dearest to her. Memories of her childhood come crashing back, including the sudden death of her brother Jem (Logan Lerman) who suddenly dropped dead when he was a teenager. Because of the newfound knowledge about her family, civil rights tensions and the shere inhumanity of Maycomb’s people, her beliefs, values and ideologies are thrown into uncertainty.

Featuring many of the iconic characters from the 20th century classic To Kill A Mockingbird, this story aptly captures a young woman and a world in harrowing yet pragmatic transition out of the illusions of the past. The ghosts of slavery still haunt the South, and even into the 1930s the African-Americans were still treated as badly as if they still were slaves. Now into the 1960s, the legacy of slavery still in the roots of southern America. Let us not forget, The South is like its own country. Go Set A Watchman is Scout’s journey that shows her the horrors of what her fellow-man has to endure, and now she’s seeing with fresh eyes what she saw as child, but only now she’s fully understanding the gravity of the situation. It’s a quest that is guided by her humanity and her own conscience.

Harper Lee

Harper Lee

Much alike my To Kill A Mockingbird fancast, Frances McDormand will be narrating the story through occasional voiceovers as well as having a little piece at the end of the last episode depicting her outlook on civil rights tensions in the South, southern white people’s inhumanity towards African-Americans and how it touched her conscience on a spiritual level.

Director: Ava DuVernay

Writer: Tate Taylor

Cinematography: Bradford Young

Music: John Williams

Distributor: AMC

No. Of Seasons: 1

No. Of Episodes: 10

Runtime: 55 mins


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Main Characters

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Supporting Characters

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Town’s Folk

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Flashback Characters

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“As sure as time, history is repeating itself, and as sure as man is man, history is the last place he’ll look for his lessons.”

Uncle Jack